Pete Zahut
JoinedPosts by Pete Zahut
Covid-19 (Coronavirus) - Status Update Thread
by Simon inthis topic is to focus on status updates & advice (no opinion or politics please).. status.
latest status is that it's serious, probably isn't going to be contained and most large companies are making contingency plans, cancelling large events etc... which i don't think would happen if it was just people being alarmist.
the incubation period means it may have already spread further and infected many more people than are currently known, so expect jumps in the numbers over the coming days and weeks.. tracking.
Something interesting!
by ZindagiNaMilegiDobaara inwas in the middle of my research bout "anointed/ anointing /holy spirit".
this question n the illustration got my interest.
notice the last sentence and last word.
Pete Zahut
So why are those of who partake of the symbolic "emblems" at the "memorial" called "anointed" when no oil (symbolic or otherwise) is poured upon their heads?
What does "empowerment" refer to? Power over the symbolic insects that live on the Little Flock of unannointed sheep?
Do you think there will be panic buying of food, guns ect?
by JimmyYoung ini wonder if there will be panic buying of food, guns, gas ect due to the corona virus.
what do you guys think?.
Pete Zahut
If anyone dug them up and read them to someone else, they'd probably now be disfellowshipped for apostasy!
Ha !....Yesterday I couldn't even spell Apoztayte....today I are one !!
Do you think there will be panic buying of food, guns ect?
by JimmyYoung ini wonder if there will be panic buying of food, guns, gas ect due to the corona virus.
what do you guys think?.
Pete Zahut
Speaking of stocking up on the essentials. I remember back in the early 70's during the 1975 craze some JW's in my Congregation were rolling up Watchtowers and putting them in plastic dish soap bottles and burying them in their back yard for use during the tribulation when the literature was "banned".
There was even a demonstration on how to do this.
That was almost 50 years ago and those JW's from my Congregation are long gone. I imagine one day there'll be an assembly experience where someone will be relating how they came into "the Truth".
"A few years ago I moved into a house and I was working in the garden and found a Watchtower buried in a plastic bottle and I immediately knew I had found "the Truth !!" (applause)
Name one POSITIVE thing you took from your experience as a Witness
by geodude ini was thinking about this at work the other day, and realized the one positive thing i can truly credit the jws with: .
i have no fear of public speaking.
i was a shy kid, fat, clumsy, with crooked glasses and worse teeth, who wore hand-me-downs in one of the wealthiest counties in all of america, who sat still while classmates got up to salute the flag or recite the pledge of allegiance.
Pete Zahut
They systematically discredited all other religions so that once I was out of theirs, I'd never fall for another false religion.
pictures for or of pimos
by waton ina picture so embarrassing, even wtbts inc does not want to describe it?
this week's study, no 52, march 1 2020 wt dec 1919. picture description (on page 27) for pages 23 and 26 but not for the one on page 24, too embarrassing?
picture it, page 24. the wt lady, with a head volume ~8 times that of the gentlemen sitting behind her, eager to have her voice boom in the kingdom hall, raising arms with 3 other "sisters", whereas all 4 males are abstaining.
Pete Zahut
I notice that the seats are folding chairs. I'm guessing this must be a new trend to make the buildings more convertible and ready to sell.
pictures for or of pimos
by waton ina picture so embarrassing, even wtbts inc does not want to describe it?
this week's study, no 52, march 1 2020 wt dec 1919. picture description (on page 27) for pages 23 and 26 but not for the one on page 24, too embarrassing?
picture it, page 24. the wt lady, with a head volume ~8 times that of the gentlemen sitting behind her, eager to have her voice boom in the kingdom hall, raising arms with 3 other "sisters", whereas all 4 males are abstaining.
Pete Zahut
This may be a screen shot taken from the move "Stepford Wives".
If so, the men are smiling and happy because their wives are obedient Androids that are programmed to say and do as they are told. The women are only too ready to parrot the lines that have been programmed into them by the men. The little boy will grow up thinking this is normal and how things should be and will hope to have a Stepford wife of his own someday .
Do you think there will be panic buying of food, guns ect?
by JimmyYoung ini wonder if there will be panic buying of food, guns, gas ect due to the corona virus.
what do you guys think?.
Pete Zahut
Right now there is so much misinformation it's difficult to get a clear handle on how serious it might be.
Yeah...I saw a headline that says that some are making a bigger issue of the Contra virus than it is, just to smear the Trump campaign.
I could see how an epidemic might make food supplies dwindle due to so many in the working force being sick. I bought groceries yesterday and picked up a large bag of powdered milk and a flat of canned condensed milk and flat of canned Vienna sausage and a second bottle of Whiskey (Simon's idea) to add to my already existing emergency food supply. Costco used to carry powdered eggs awhile back but they don't seem to carry them anymore.
As I said in a similar post, we live in earthquake country and since most stores only have one or two days worth of food on hand we keep a 2 week supply of food (for 4) on hand in case the big one hits and downed overpasses and bridges and power outages make it difficult or impossible for supplies to be brought in.
I am not a gun enthusiast and have never owned one but it did cross my mind that in a real disaster there would be those who will prey upon those who have a supply of food. I just don't see myself getting into a shoot out over a a couple of weeks of food and I don't see myself not sharing what I have with someone else. If it gets to that point, the food is going to run out eventually anyway no matter how much I've stored so I figure I'll just take things as they come. The Polyannaish part of me believes that things will work out somehow and maybe all I need is a can or two of pepper spray to ward off a hungry intruder.
Expect 90% of pimi's to go down with the ship here's why
by nowwhat? ini have been feeding my very pimi brother tidbits and clippings of all the csa issues coming to light the last five years and all the org's business dealings of hundreds of closed halls congs dissolving etc.
and reminding him of all the failed prophecies etc etc.
although he would listen and acknowledge.
Pete Zahut
In for a penny...in for a pound. May as well keep going now that we've come this far. Better the Devil we know than the one we don't know...it all winds up the same in the end.
Corona beer sales vs coronavirus ?
by smiddy3 ini`m just curious as to whether the corona beer sales have plummeted since this coronavirus has spread in different parts of the world .. it wouldn`t surprise me if sales had a nose dive since this outbreak and just wondered if anybody has any information concerning this ?.
word association plays a big part in many peoples lives..
Pete Zahut
Didn't a rock band called The Knack have a hit song back in the 80's called "My Corona" ?